Here Are Our 30 Best Comics That Depict The Snarky Conversations Between Sharks And Other Aquatic Life


The Life of Sharks is a webcomic that highlights genuine realities about sharks alongside clever cleverness—made by Christian Talbot (the author) and Sophie Hodge (the artist).

Generally, our comic is about the particulars of regular day to day existence, connections, and feelings. We figured it is entertaining to place those things into the mouths of fish that are seen to be coldblooded executioners. Likewise, sharks can’t guarantee sovereignties. The more I find out about Sharks, the odder, and all the more engaging, we discover them. A great deal of sea life scientists tail us now, and they value the specialty kids about tiny fish.


Our thoughts originate from everywhere. It could be an expression I hear or a report or something that is transpired that she can meagerly shroud as happening to a shark. Sophie will regularly send me an arbitrary circumstance for me to compose an animation about. I get my best thoughts while I’m vacuuming the house or when Sophie writings me to state she’s come up short on stuff to attract and to please attempt to be amusing. I use Wikipedia to affirm (or deny) the things I THINK I think about sharks.

Everything began with me composing little exchanges between sharks on my Facebook page as an approach to do outlines. I needed to show that I could compose something to that effect just as the exceptional schedules I’d for the most part do. They were very famous with a portion of my comic companions, and they urged me to have them done as an animation. I can’t draw, so I was pleased when I discovered that not exclusively could Sophie draw them, yet she likewise had the option to add her interesting style to the entire thing. They’re more amusing a direct result of the manner in which she draws them.

You can discover us on the separate internet based life connects down beneath. Likewise, we’ve as of late distributed an assortment of our funnies in a book comprising of our absolute best Shark funnies. Look at it at some point! Also, for the time being—appreciate the toons.

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