30 Delicate Animal Portraits Created From Things Found In Nature By Raku Inoue


Motivated by the antiquated and conventional Japanese specialty of blossom course of action—Ikebana—Montreal-based craftsman and picture taker Raku Inoue makes beautiful representations of bugs and different animals utilizing blossoms, twigs, leaves, and comes from his nursery. All of them are one of a kind as he picks his materials as indicated by the seasons and what nature offers during them.

More info: Instagram | reikancreations.com




Everything began when one day, it was blustery and the petals of the flower bramble in my terrace tumbled to the ground. I picked those up and made my first botanical model: a flower petal creepy crawly. I saw the procedure as so quieting and restorative that I made this an inventive exercise that I would do in the first part of the day while drinking espresso. With time, this turned into my creative character,






























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