Can Dogs Eat Almonds ? The short answer is no, dogs cannot eat almonds, even if your dog has eaten an almond or two in the past and has been feeling fine.
While almonds are likely non-toxic, dogs’ digestive systems don’t handle them well and they can cause blockages. They also pose a choking hazard and other health hazards to your dog, especially if they’re salty or seasoned.
If you are looking for a protein source for your dog, there are many healthier and safer options than almonds. Keep these nuts only for humans in your home. And, as always, ask your vet before sharing human food with your dog.
Here’s what you need to know about almonds and dogs.
Why are almonds bad for dogs?
Although almonds are not likely to be toxic to dogs, they are known to sometimes harbor a certain type of mold called Aspergillus mold, which contains aflatoxin. This substance can cause poisoning in your dog, as canines are particularly affected by it.
Many almonds are covered in salt and other seasonings that can be harmful to dogs. Too much salt can cause water retention, which is especially dangerous for dogs with heart conditions. In large amounts, consumption of salt can lead to salt toxicity. Spices and seasonings may taste good to dogs, but many of them can cause gastrointestinal upset.
Even if you feed your dog plain, mold-free nuts without seasonings or salt, there are still several dangers. Almonds are high in phosphorus, which can increase the likelihood of bladder stones. The high fat content can lead to gastrointestinal upset in the short term and conditions such as obesity and pancreatitis in the long term.
The digestive systems of dogs do not process the protein in almonds well, which can cause gastrointestinal blockages. Also, small, hard nuts are a choking hazard, especially for smaller dogs or dogs that don’t chew completely before swallowing.
As with almost any food, dogs can have an allergic reaction to almonds. In rare cases, this can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition. If you see signs of an allergic reaction, such as sneezing, coughing, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately.
But what about the things that only taste like almonds and don’t contain the whole nuts? Well, almond flavored products often contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, chemicals, and other things that would harm your dog’s health.
Make sure you read all the labels. It is always a good idea to consult your veterinarian before sharing any human food with your dog.
The potential dangers for dogs when eating almonds

Here are some dangers that can come along with your puppy biting into an almond.
Choking hazard for dogs when eating almonds
Dogs don’t chew their food the way humans do, so if they swallow the whole almond it could lead to life-threatening obstructions of the esophagus, stomach, or even windpipe if aspirated in small breed dogs.
Possible severe gastrointestinal upset for dogs when eating almonds
Almonds are high in fat and can cause an attack of pancreatitis in some dogs. Some signs of pancreatitis are vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Pancreatitis can lead to simple indigestion or become severe and become a fatal disorder. When suspected, pancreatitis must be properly diagnosed and aggressively treated by your veterinarian.
Possible water retention in dogs when eating almonds
Almonds, like many packaged nuts, are often very salty and this salt intake can cause increased water retention in dogs, which is particularly dangerous in dogs with heart disease.
According to many experts, dogs really enjoy the taste of almonds, especially if they are flavored. Jalapeño, barbecue, smoked or salted are usually their favorites, so they will eat them if they get the chance. But it is the responsibility of the pet owner to ensure that they do not.
What to do if your dog eats almonds
Pets of different sizes can react completely differently to identical amounts of ingested nuts. If your dog eats a couple of almonds and shows no signs of choking or a blockage, there is little reason to be concerned.
However, if you think your pet just ate that five-pound bag of almonds that you left by the couch, the most effective treatment is to induce vomiting if ingestion occurred within the last 30 minutes. This can be done with hydrogen peroxide under the guidance of a veterinarian or with the help of poison control. If you are unsure when the almonds were eaten, or you cannot induce vomiting, then the only option is to monitor your dog for signs of illness. In case the dog becomes ill, call the vet and make an appointment right away.
When there are signs of choking, nausea, bloating, vomiting, or discomfort, and you think your dog only ingested a few almonds, the dog is most likely fine and can be kept under observation at home.
Dogs don’t get the nutritional benefit from the almonds that we make and they can cause harm. There are many better healthy options for a treatment, even if they ask for it, beg, and go crazy with it.
What about butter or almond oil for dogs?
When almonds are not in their natural form, the risks associated with choking or intestinal blockages disappear. And since your dog probably goes absolutely nuts for peanut butter, many pet owners wouldn’t hesitate to offer other nut butters.
The good news is that dogs can enjoy a little almond butter every now and then, and they may even experience some of its health benefits. Almond butter is rich in fiber and vitamins like vitamin E, which promote healthy skin and coat (this is why almond oil and almond butter can be found in so many treatments for skin, hair, and nails for humans)
In fact, topical almond oil can be used to naturally treat itchy, dry, flaky, or irritated skin on dogs, and can also be offered as an occasional treatment to help fight skin problems from the inside out. . A non-greasy moisturizer that leaves no oily residue, almond oil will slowly absorb into your dog’s skin and provide active healing and relaxing benefits throughout the day.
However, just like when offering peanut butter to your dog, moderation should be exercised with both almond butter and oil, although almond butter actually contains higher amounts of minerals like magnesium and iron and only 14 percent.
of fat (compared to 50 percent fat in PB), consuming too much fat still puts your dog at risk for diseases like pancreatitis. Also be sure to choose natural and unsalted almond butter.
In general, a tablespoon or two of almond butter is considered safe for most dogs. Try filling your pup’s favorite Kong toy with almond butter, or bake your own homemade doggie treats at home by adding nutritious and Fido-friendly ingredients like pumpkin or banana.
Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk or Soy Milk?
Almond milk and soy milk are now available everywhere from the grocery store to the coffee shop. And more and more, people are storing their refrigerator with these products. But is almond or soy milk okay to share with your dog?
Almond milk is made from processed almonds, which are safe in moderation on pets. Soy is also safe and is actually found in many pet foods as a protein source. Soy, however, is one of the main food allergens in dogs. Therefore, soy milk should be avoided when the dog has food allergies.
The biggest concern for feeding soy or almond milk is the extra calories. Since obesity in companion dogs reaches over 50%, the extra calories consumed outside of a healthy commercial diet are just that – unnecessary extra calories. Since adult dogs are not really designed to drink milk, these are empty calories devoid of the nutrients that the pet really needs.
A little almond or soy milk is also sweetened, which means additional sugar can be added. Added sugar can lead to tooth decay and, again, obesity. Artificial sweeteners should also be avoided in dogs; especially xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.
Conclusions: Can dogs eat almonds?
If you are going to share these foods with your dogs, the key is to share in moderation! A couple of sips to the bottom or your cereal bowl is probably fine. Anything more than that, especially one cup a day will be too much.
Now remember to share this information and see you in the next article ? !!!