Can dogs eat honey? More and more people want to know the truth about the effects that some natural foods can have on their dogs since natural and healthy eating is also becoming popular in pets.
This is a very good idea since there are many benefits that can be obtained from this type of diet, however,
it should be remembered that not all are necessary or suitable for dogs or,
at least, you have to keep in mind the doses and the way to give them to them.
Therefore, it is vital that, before deciding to change anything in the feeding of your furry, discuss everything with your trusted veterinarian.
One of the most sought after foods for this is honey since in people it has been shown to have great positive effects.
For this reason, many people wonder: can dogs eat honey? ,
something that is normal to question about its sugar content. If you want to know the answer, in this article you will find it.
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- Can dogs be given honey?
- Honey nutritional composition
- Properties and benefits of honey for dogs
- How to give honey to a dog
- Honey and lemon for dogs
Can dogs be given honey?
Given this doubt that many people want to choose to feed their dog in a more natural way, the answer is that YES, dogs can eat honey.
Therefore, they can be given without exceeding and taking into account a series of aspects that we will discuss later in this article.
In fact, it must be taken into account that there are no toxic foods for dogs in the sense that there is none to eat once or in a normal dose will cause serious illness or death to the animal,
except in possible cases of allergic reactions.
It all comes down to the dose that is taken, so with honey,
the same thing happens: it is very beneficial for dogs’ health as long as normal or suitable amounts are taken.
Anyway, we must bear in mind that, due to the nutritional needs of dogs, they do not need honey to feed,
it is not essential or basic for them, so their intake is not required. However, due to the great benefits it brings,
it is never too much to offer it as a food supplement, as a reward, but never as a regular part of your meal.
Is it good to give honey to a puppy?
You have to pay attention to this aspect since you should NOT give honey to a puppy. The reason is that dogs so small still have the developing immune system,
very weak, so you have to be careful of what they are fed.
Precisely this product can contain spores of the bacillus Clostridium botulinum, which produces a neurotoxin, among others,
which can cause health problems. It is advised not to start giving them until they are over 18 months of age.
Can I give honey to my diabetic dog?
This product produced by bees has fructose and glucose, therefore, a diabetic dog should not take it.
Therefore, you should not give it on your own, however,
it is good to consult the specialist who takes care of the health of your hairy about whether it would be possible and beneficial to give him this product or not.
Honey nutritional composition
Within the composition of natural honey we find that the following main nutrients stand out:
- Carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, and maltose)
- Water
- Match
- Potassium
- Iron
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Group B vitamins
- Vitamin C
- Citric acid
- Acetic acid
- Flavonoids

Properties and benefits of honey for dogs
This product from bees provides energy,
antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing, digestive, relaxing and stimulating properties of the mature immune system.
Thanks to these nutrients and the properties they provide, this food offers the following benefits of honey for dogs :
It is ideal for sick or convalescent dogs that need to recover their energies since the energy supply in the form of sugars and vitamins it provides is high.
However, if it is a dog that cannot exercise well,
it is advisable to reduce the dose to a minimum, since it will accumulate this energy by gaining weight.
Against allergies in dogs
We should give our hairy the most natural version of this product that we find, but this will always carry a small amount of pollen. However,
this is so small that what it will produce will be to improve the animal’s immune system.
If this product is given regularly, in low amounts, the body will gradually become accustomed to pollen and when exposed to it,
for example in spring, the reaction will not be strong, and if it was already mild it can reach To heal
It improves digestive problems
As we have commented, this product is digestive and has very low acidity, it is alkaline. Therefore,
it is indicated for hairy with problems of this type or, in case you have exceeded any of your meals and have difficult digestion.
So if your dog has a tummy ache you can give him a teaspoon of this product, apart from taking it to the veterinarian first to know the origin of the problem.
To prevent and treat bacterial infections
It is also due to its low acidity that prevents bacteria from reproducing and surviving. Both taken and applied externally,
this sweet product manages to prevent bacterial infections and cure them if they have started, preventing them from getting worse. It is especially effective in cases of digestive and skin infections.
Antioxidants and remineralizing
Thanks to the great contribution of antioxidants,
it is perfect to improve the functioning of cells, tissues, and organs since it fights oxidative free radicals, which age the body.
In addition, because of the variety of minerals,
it contains it strengthens the bone system and the functioning of different organs, and even improves the skin and coat.
Ideal for healing wounds and ulcers
Due to it’s bactericidal, antiseptic and healing ability, it is perfect for treating skin, muscle and other tissue injuries.
In these cases, it is much more effective applied externally directly to the lesion,
although its effects can also be reinforced by ingesting the can while applying it to the outside. Also,
if there is still no infection, its application can prevent it and help the wound heal and heal well.
So, as we can see, it is not bad to give honey to a dog, at all.
However, you have to know how to do it in the best possible way so that you take advantage of all its properties and benefits and do not have health problems due to an excess.
To know how to give it, pay attention to the following lines.
How to give honey to a dog
If you have doubts about how to give honey to your dog, you will be interested to know that the recommended average doses are the following:
- Weights up to 10 kg: less than 1/2 teaspoon per week.
- Weight between 10 kg and 20 kg: 1/2 teaspoon weekly.
- Weight’s between 20 kg 7 30 kg: 1 teaspoon per week.
- Weight of more than 30 kg: 1 teaspoon and 1/2 a week.
These are indicative doses and designed to offer as a prize and maintain a good state of health,
but you have to keep in mind that they can change depending on whether you need to treat one condition or another.
This should be indicated by the veterinarian in each case.
Normally, the maximum amount recommended is 2 teaspoons daily in cases where, for health, this food is necessary.
If your hair does not like the sticky texture of this food, you can mix it in a little water to dilute it.
This is a good way for convalescent dogs who have problems with a lack of appetite, for dogs with cough, being able to give it with the syringe in the mouth.
Another way, if you do not want to eat it directly from the spoon,
is to mix the amount of honey necessary in your meal until the ingredients are well integrated or offer it in a small piece of bread.
Regarding the application of honey for wounds in dogs, it is necessary to clean the lesion first and then cover it well with this food,
without covering with bandages or gauze.
It should be allowed to take effect as long as possible doing it two or three times a day, removing the used honey,
cleaning the area again and letting it ventilate a few minutes before replacing it again.

Honey and lemon for dogs
Many people think of giving honey and lemon to their dogs especially in cases where they have a cough and digestive problems.
However, the lemon is not recommended for these animals since in general,
they do not like the smell and do not want to eat it and in addition, if we exceed we can damage their health.