My partner brought a pregnant stray cat to the office, now there are 9 and they have their own meeting room


Yvonne was going to work when she found a very pregnant stray cat. She was friendly, and she was sitting in front of our office building, meowing at those who came in. She looked very young, and she would immediately rub her face against whoever paid attention to her. Luckily, our Holmes & Marchant Shanghai office has several cat-loving ladies ready to give this mom care and attention and prepare her for labor.

The pregnant cat was meowing for attention. As if asking for help for her young and herself, Yvonne said.


We took her to the office and named her Boba

We put her in a meeting room that we don’t use, where we put a sandbox, a soft bed and all the food she wanted (I think, canned tuna, fresh fish, milk)

Silly in the office, waiting to give birth. She was very friendly and seemed happy to have a safe place to give birth.

One night there was a storm. When we came to work the next day, the pups had arrived. Boba gave birth to 8 kittens

Kittens only a few hours old

Boba was exhausted, but fed and cleaned her kittens: 4 males and 4 females

For such a young mother, Boba was very responsible


At first, the kittens were very small and we couldn’t tell them apart

There were two oranges, a tricolor, and 5 brindle

Snuggled kittens

Here they are taking a midday nap not knowing that an army of cat-loving ladies is watching over and watching over them.

This is 奶 盖 o Milk Topping! She is very round and is the one who drank the most milk. And she posed better for the camera.

They soon discovered their garritas… This is 珍珠 o Pearl

Trying to stretch!

After 2 weeks, one by one they began to open their eyes. This is 去 冰 (No ice), one of the smallest of the litter, but also one of the sweetest

This is 仙草 or Grass jelly, the biggest of all

Here’s Pudding and Milk topping, both orange

This is Oolong, tabby in a suit

All together! At 3 weeks, everyone had opened their eyes, they were round and soft

Boba’s kittens posing like they were going to put out a record

At 3 weeks they began to eat alone

Even though they were growing up, they loved to cuddle with their mom

At 4 weeks they learned to use the sandbox

They loved to lie in bed

At one month old, they still love to snuggle together

Boba is still a good mother. We are going to sterilize her and find good adopters for the little ones. We hope someone adopts Boba along with one of her young. At the moment, they still enjoy all together and we are very lucky to have them in the office

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