This Artist Makes Funny And Creepy Cat Hybrids Bred In Photoshop. Have Things Gone Too Far?


The coolest ‘ cat lady ‘ out there is Audrey. She is an artist & industrial designer throughout the day, but as she describes on her website, she is a Snapchat artist and cat storyteller by night. One of her ongoing projects is to trade her felines into other images and we can’t get enough of them. “I do something kind of always,” the artist told Bored Panda. She found the subreddit /r / photoshop battles in 2012 and has since been an active user. Her musical muses come under the names of Oskar, Maya, and Louie. According to Audrey Oskar is a white and fluffy Norwegian Forest Cat4-year-old who likes to chew stuff he shouldn’t do; Maya is a gray tabby who uses her pretty looks to get food; and lastly, Louie, the newest addition to the family. One of her passion projects for the past five years has been making’ pet art’ on Snapchat, where she sketches her cats in stupid situations using the Snapchat app and drawing tool. “So it seemed only appropriate that I would combine the two-cats and photoshop,” she said, “Most of the time I start with what animal/situation I want to use then I’m looking for my extensive cat picture library. For eg, some of the shops, the panda, are in reality a combination of 5 cat photos. I wanted one of Oskar biting something, one with his concentrated eyes, and a few more to fill his fur with.

More: InstagramSnapchatGo-Fund-Me h/t: boredpandaReddit



























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