Top 5 Funny Comics About Animals By Pet Foolery That Will Made Your Day


We love Pet Foolery here at kittenvspuppy. We have included the arrangement—which is made by Minnesota artist Ben Hed—ordinarily previously, chuckling alongside his imaginings of animals being a tease like people, the deep-rooted ‘cat versus hound’ banter, and not overlooking his fiercely mainstream comic couple, Pixie and Brutus.

Ben’s self-depicted “silly little comics” highlight different kinds of creatures including insect-eating animals, badgers, and tigers. In any case, it is cats and dogs, those that we for the most part incline toward as pets, that are the principal stars of the arrangement. Ben himself has 2 dogs, while his parents have 3 dogs and 2 felines, so he has a lot of material to work with!


Pet Foolery’s Instagram page is gigantically well known, with the achievement of Pixie and Brutus, specifically, pushing it up towards 2 million followers. We love comics and we love animals, everything bodes well truly, isn’t that right? Look down underneath to look at a portion of our preferred Pet Fooleries below,

Credit Instagram @pet_foolery











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