Two-Year-Old Puppy Covered In Open Wounds Ate Rocks To Survive After ‘Devil-Like’ Owner Left Him To Starve To Death


A man is doing time in the wake of starving his 2-year-old Doberman pinscher. It occurred in Ohio, when the canine, the man’s pet, had to eat rocks to survive after being denied food for an all-inclusive measure of time.

36-year-old David Neanover is been accused of two misdemeanor counts of remorselessness to a companion creature over the issue, which occurred in 2019.


Neanover is being condemned to 180 days on the two counts of cold-cruelty charges and an extra 90 days on aggressive violence at a charge as per FOX19.

$2598.18 in compensation will be paid by Neanover to the caregiver’s figures of the pooch and he will likewise be responsible for paying court costs and a $1500 fine. He is presently being held at Butler County jail subsequent to guilty to the charges.

Neanover is from Riley Township and he likewise may have deprived the pooch of water.

A letter was perused during Thursday’s hearing by an acquaintance, whose name wasn’t referenced in court records. It stated:

I am requesting the full extent of the law. To let a sweet, guileless soul live in filth, no food or water, no affection or kind treatment… (Neanover) even named him Lucifer when in actuality, this individual ought to be called that.

On the off chance that I was a judge, these individuals who misuse creatures would get the chance to experience what they did to creatures. Creatures are simply baby spirits in various bodies.

The disregard of the canine was reported to the police in April 2019. Various mysterious complaints about maltreatment were sent to the authorities.

After canine superintendents arrived at his home, they discovered Lou, the pooch, with no water or food and he was canvassed in serious open wounds.

X-rays were taken after the pooch was shipped to the Animal Friends Humane Society in Hamilton. They demonstrated that he needed to eat rocks to attempt to survive. Volunteers likewise found that the pooch’s tongue had an ulcer, making drinking or eating difficult.

Creature Friends Humane Society in Hamilton said the accompanying in an announcement a year ago:

“X-RAY demonstrated rocks in his stomach. This we didn’t expect, however, we are not astounded. He carried on with his life on a VERY short-chain and was deprived of FOOD for a long while, so we’re certain he arrived at where he was willing to eat he could get his mouth on. He is feeling the loss of a chunk of his tongue.

Sheriff Richard Jones additionally had the following to state a year ago:

No typical individual could see this pooch and think this is adequate. The photos are difficult to see. It’s much more awful face to face. Creature Friends will do all that they can to save this poor creature yet the present condition is terrible. I am thankful this was reported for. I simply trust he can be SAVED and received to somebody who cares.

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