When you dead inside but keep living for love pets (20 comics)


Living for others means trying to impress them, pleasing them, doing all they want, etc. You always stay alert whenever they need your help. You do all for them. But while doing this all, have you ever thought about what you’ll get in return? The thing is, living for others means you do things without any means, you don’t expect to get back something in return. The only thing you want is just to see them happy.

Tiina Menzel is a German artist, who’s been active in the field of art since her early youth. Her comics and artworks have earned her a huge fanbase on Instagram. The main characters of her comics are the skeleton, a dog, and a cat. In her comics, she creatively illustrates the immense pleasure that a person feels while spending time with pets, even when they feel distressed or broken.


We have collected some of her comics that will make you feel special if you have pets around you. Scroll down and have a look at these heartwarming comics. Remember to let us know about your experience of visiting us in the comments.

Credit: Instagram





While asking Tiina about how long she’s been active in this field, she told, I have been drawing since the time I first hold my pencil and I’ve never stopped since then. I am fortunate that I am popular on social media because it helps me to make my living from it.




Tina started an Instagram account by the name @therese_nothing where her fans can get updates of the latest artworks. Her valiant efforts and hard work helped her to get 80.5K Instagram followers. With the speed at which she’s growing, I hope she’ll cross the 100K mark soon.














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