This 10-Year-Old Puppy Named Bonnie Tried To Lick A Can Of Tuna And Ended Up In The Emergency Room.


Dogs are curious, adventurous, and often fearless creatures. And while all of this is super cute, fun, and exciting, sometimes these features manage to get you straight into trouble. That is exactly what happened to this 10-year-old Staffordshire Bullterrier named Bonnie. Spoiler alert: There is a happy ending in the store.

One afternoon, the owner of the dog named Louisa Davis gave Bonnie some of her favorite fish as a gift and threw the discarded cans in the recycling bin. The dog realized this and decided to check it: who knows, maybe there is still something left? Suddenly, the owners began to hear suspicious noises coming from the kitchen. “We heard some noises in the kitchen and the next thing we saw was a can of tuna stuck to her face! It was shocking to see her! Louisa said


His tongue got caught in the can and I tried to stick it out myself, but the can be so sharp that I didn’t want to make it worse and cut too much.” I called PDSA to see if they could help, and they told me to bring it directly, “said the owner. In case you didn’t know, PDSA is the UK’s largest veterinary charity covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with 48 pet hospitals and clinics.

Images credits: PDSA

When Louisa received instructions, she took Bonnie to the Nottingham PDSA Pet Hospital, where veterinarians run an emergency service during the Coronavirus blockade. It was obvious that the dog was becoming increasingly distressed and that the can was causing her pain. PDSA vet Sarah Campbell explained to owners that removing the can with Bonnie awake would be too risky as she became increasingly anxious. Because of that, they gave him an anesthetic so that it could be safely removed.

Once under anesthesia, the can was relatively easy to remove. We were able to carefully remove it so that the cut on his tongue was small and luckily he didn’t need any stitches, “said the vet.” It was a very unusual case to see, which could have become very serious if the can had cut the Tongue deeply. But luckily we were able to safely remove the can and Bonnie was able to go home the same day to recover from her ordeal.

Louisa added: “Bonnie has never done anything like this before, but it is a lesson learned and we will monitor her closely to prevent something like this from happening again.” Louisa was super grateful that PDSA specialists helped her and Bonnie in this time of need, especially during the lockdown when many vets are only open for emergencies.

PDSA aims to help pets when they need it, even in times of a viral pandemic. And because PDSA is a veterinary charity, they provide low-cost or even free veterinary care to sick and injured pets of those in need. A truly beautiful and important mission!

“PDSA” has been a lifesaver for sick and inju-red pets since 1917 and in that time they have provided “100” million free treatments to more than “20” million pets. Additionally, PDSA is improving pet health by not only providing the necessary treatments but also by educating owners.

PDSA’s veterinary care costs more than $ 74 million a year, but during this shutdown with closed retail stores and canceled fundraising events, the organization is losing around $ 4 million a month in revenue! So this charity now needs people’s help more than ever. If you have the resources, you should consider donating some money to PDSA. You can learn how to do it by clicking here.

People seem to be really grateful for the work the charity is doing

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