A New Wholesome Story by Goofy Gods Comics Will Make You Laugh Out Loud (22 Pics)


In the vast realm of social media, Instagram has become a hub for artists to showcase their unique talents and captivate audiences with their creative works. One such artist who has gained a significant following and captured the hearts of many is Goofy Gods Comics, an Instagram artist who has carved out a distinctive style that is equal parts whimsical and humorous. Humor is a key element of Goofy Gods Comics’ art, and the witty captions and clever puns accompanying each illustration are a major part of their appeal.

The artist, whose real name is “Byot Art,” has been drawing and sharing his work on Instagram since 2019 and has amassed a large following of 443,000 fans who can’t get enough of his witty and sometimes outrageous humor. It is a series of hilarious comics depicting the funny day-to-day situations that the gods encounter. His art is a clever fusion of mythology and modern-day references. The artist reimagines traditional gods and goddesses from various cultures, such as Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Hindu, and gives them a contemporary twist. 


The artist’s ability to weave humor into their artwork is a testament to their creativity and comedic timing, as they expertly blend mythology with modern pop culture references, current events, and everyday situations to create humorous and relatable narratives. For instance, you might come across a mischievous Loki with a smartphone, a selfie-obsessed Narcissus taking countless selfies, or a yoga-loving Ganesha striking a pose. This juxtaposition of ancient mythology and modern-day elements adds a unique and humorous flavor to Goofy Gods Comics’ artwork, making it instantly recognizable and highly enjoyable for followers.

You can also check some of his previous posts on boredcomics by clicking here and here.

Credit: Goofy Gods Comics

For more info: Instagram | Facebook | Website

Honey Cake (Part #1)

It’s the law of the underground: 1 coin to pass. No exceptions… But grandma cooking a homemade honey cake is worth a thousand gold coins, isn’t it? What’s your favorite grandmother’s dish? Mine used to make an amazing dessert called “pain perdu,” which I think is “french toast” in English. It was simply delicious, and I could eat that nonstop when I was at her house.


Honey Cake (Part #2)

Well, Cerbie got one with the delicious honey cake, and it looks like it gave him an idea to help Grandma as well! Or maybe he just wants to bury the last crumbs in order to enjoy them later.


Honey Cake (Part #3)

Finally finished this part 3; it was a bit longer than expected since I kept adding more panels (but I feel like it’s more understandable now). I had fun with this little story; it was mainly inspired by two things:

1. I love the fact that Cerberus does indeed have a sweet tooth in Greek mythology (Psyche and the Trojan prince Aeneas gave him one in order to go through the underworld).

2. I saw one of the cutest elderly couples when I went for a walk with my dog a few weeks ago. They were at least 80, but you could tell they were still deeply in love with each other even after all this time. They held hands and leant onto one another. They were also really nicely dressed just for a walk in the forest, like if it were a date. Anyway, I liked picturing them being together even in the afterlife, and I wanted to pay them a little tribute. Now the question is: Is the underworld a free market, or will Charon find a way to close Cerbie’s new business?


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