Artist create What’s Wrong With Today’s Society In 20 New Thought-Provoking Illustrations


The works of Argentine artists working under the pseudonym “El Margin” criticize current practices in society and suggest a reflection on issues that have been raised by a large segment of the population. ۔ Although dark and miserable, his art is slow and unfortunately speaks the truth about modernity.

In Images, the artist always uses provocative tone to address issues such as capitalism, consumerism, technology, media manipulation, physical image, smoking, relationships, and more.


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The works of Argentine artists working under the pseudonym “El Margin” criticize current practices in society and suggest a reflection on issues that have been raised by a large segment of the population. ۔ Although dark and miserable, his art is slow and unfortunately speaks the truth about modernity.

In Images, the artist always uses provocative tone to address issues such as capitalism, consumerism, technology, media manipulation, physical image, smoking, relationships, and more.








The works of Argentine artists working under the pseudonym “El Margin” criticize current practices in society and suggest a reflection on issues that have been raised by a large segment of the population. ۔ Although dark and miserable, his art is slow and unfortunately speaks the truth about modernity.

In Images, the artist always uses provocative tone to address issues such as capitalism, consumerism, technology, media manipulation, physical image, smoking, relationships, and more.






The works of Argentine artists working under the pseudonym “El Margin” criticize current practices in society and suggest a reflection on issues that have been raised by a large segment of the population. ۔ Although dark and miserable, his art is slow and unfortunately speaks the truth about modernity.

In Images, the artist always uses provocative tone to address issues such as capitalism, consumerism, technology, media manipulation, physical image, smoking, relationships, and more.



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