where can I buy a puppy: How to buy a puppy
Puppy Golden Retriever walking outdoors in the grass.
Buying a puppy is an exciting time, but it is important to be responsible for research to make sure you buy a healthy dog that has been ethically bred and that supports good practice.
For those who choose to adopt a dog, there are several ways to do it, of which buying a puppy is one. Buying a puppy is an exciting time, but it is important to be responsible in research to make sure you buy a healthy dog that has been ethically bred and that supports good practice.
Advantages of buying a dog from a breeder
When you buy a dog, you will most likely buy a puppy breed.
Choosing a specific pedigree from a breeder will mean that you can better predict the size and appearance of your new pet.
You can also get an indication of the dog’s temperament according to the breed, the nature of the parents and asking what measures the breeder has taken to socialize the dog.
You can get a complete medical history of the puppy.
You can have a more complete idea of the puppy’s physical and emotional background than in the case of an adult rescued dog.
Things to consider when buying a dog from a breeder
Some races may be predisposed to certain health problems.
Puppies require a lot of time and patience to train them and support them in their development as well-adapted pets.

Where to buy a dog
It is important to investigate thoroughly to find a reputable breeder and avoid buying puppies in pet stores and large stores. You can ask the veterinarian about local breeders.
A responsible breeder:
It will provide a lot of information about your puppies
It will encourage you to visit your puppy several times
You will have a clean and safe area for puppies and their mother
He won’t let the pups separate from their mother until they are eight weeks old.
He will ask you many questions
He will sell the puppy with a promise in the contract to return it if there are problems
Provide medical history, including genetic evaluation, deworming and vaccination
The puppy will have a microchip placed (a legal requirement)
You will have started training at home
He will have started to socialize the puppies
Provide information on the puppy’s diet to date
Stay away if any of the following occurs:
where can i buy a puppy
If you can’t meet the puppy’s mother or siblings
If he offers to meet you in a public place
If you cannot provide proof of vaccination, deworming or health certificates with a pet passport
If he can’t provide you with the contact details of a genuine veterinarian
If the puppy does not have a microchip
Top tips for buying a puppy
Visit the puppy at least twice before taking it home
Find out about the traits and habits of the breed
Find out if the puppies are weaned
Find out how old the mother is: she should be over a year old, but not obviously old
Make sure the mother has not had more than six litters
Check the living conditions of the mother and the litter
Pick up the puppy and play with him
Give the puppy a blanket to familiarize himself with the scent of your home
Check if the puppy has clean eyes, ears, and butt
Although it may take some time, if you do research to fully understand your dog and find a good breeder, you will help ensure the long-term well-being of your pet and a happy transition to your new home.
Choice of the right dog